The problem? Well, problems, in fact. First, nowhere on C-TRAN's bus system map or rider information web page does it show the Mall as a park-and-ride. You see, park-and-rides on the system map (http://c-tran.com/system-map.html) show a big P where there are park-and-rides. At the Mall? A big T, for transit center. In every dictionary we've consulted, P does not equal T. Yet these project opponents keep trying to fool you into believing no one rides the Fourth Plain routes because they keep showing a picture of an empty Mall parking area and claim that no one is using it.
That's because IT'S NOT A PARK-AND-RIDE.
We've talked with Mall security. If they see a transit customer wandering around off of the platform, they will ask that person (or persons) to go back to the platform. If they see someone parking there with the intent of taking the bus, they will kindly ask that someone to go to a legitimate C-TRAN park-and-ride (see the P on the system map), They will also point to the signs in the parking area, somewhat visible in the Prop 1 "Facts" photo, that say that parking is for Mall customers and employees only. NOT A PARK-AND-RIDE.
These people keep trying to fool you with some conjecture. Where do they get these ideas?
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